Ready set joe single cup coffee brewer manual coffee-making methods are becoming an increasingly popular option for home enthusiasts and coffee shop baristas alike. The abilities to control every variable in the brewing process, create a cup that’s exactly suited to one’s preferences. Handcraft a cup of coffee with the time-honored Melitta pour-over method.
- Fold the seams of the filter and place in Melitta cone pour-over brewer. Put pour-over on top of a mug/jar/cup.
- Scoop in finely ground coffee. The fresher the coffee the better.
- Start with fresh, cool water. Heat the water to just below a boil.
- Pour the water in a swirling motion to fully saturate the grounds and create agitation for optimal extraction. The slower the water is poured, the bolder and more developed the cup will be.
- Enjoy your handcrafted cup of coffee!
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